Supporting You Before and After Birth
Everything changes after having a baby, including physical changes to your body. Military Mommies wants to make life after giving birth as easy as possible. We offer products that help women both while pregnant and after giving birth. It’s important to take care of yourself, even when it seems like your sole focus should be on your baby. Your health matters too, and if you aren’t taking care of yourself, then you won’t be able to provide the best care for your baby.
Embracing Belly Boostier
The Embracing Belly Boostier is a product designed to support your belly, back, and hips while pregnant. It allows for easier blood flow, preventing swelling in the legs and ankles, it makes it easier to walk and stand straight, and it reduces pain in the back and pelvis.
Basic Belly Boostier
Turn a pregnancy essential into a stylish wardrobe accessory with Baby Be Mine’s Belly Bands in cute prints and solids. These comfortable, stretchy tubes look like a shirt layered beneath, and will help extend the life of your favorite pre-pregnancy bottoms.
Total Body Plush Fiber Pregnancy Pillow
The wraparound pillow eliminates the need for multiple separate pillows and surrounds you in a cocoon of support. A full-body solution for pregnant women and those who need the support of a large pillow, this pillow is designed for the ultimate comfort.
Mama Strut
Mama Strut is designed to address the ailments that women face after giving birth. It’s an FDA approved product that soothes major pain points that develop postpartum, and it gives your body the support it needs to recover.
Motif Postpartum Recovery Support Garments were designed by medical professionals for new moms to help recovery after a C-Section birth by providing structure to stabilize the stomach, back, and hips. The garment also features a side zipper designed for easy wear after a C-Section and aids in wound healing.