Brittany Sandoval
East Regional Manager

Area Partner Tinker AFB, OK

Congratulations, you are officially halfway through your pregnancy! This month you will have your anatomy scan, which is an ultrasound that allows your provider to look at each of the major body structures of your baby. This appointment takes approximately an hour, but it is one of the most important screening tests your baby will have before birth. It is also really cool to be able to see your baby and all of the changes that have happened over the last few months. You will hopefully get some pictures to take  home to show all of your friends and family –  which was always my favorite part!

During this ultrasound, as each body structure is evaluated, your provider is looking for any abnormalities that may be a marker for genetic syndromes or birth defects. It is important to keep in mind that this is a screening test, meaning it is looking for things that may point to a diagnosis, but it is not a test that is meant to diagnose a specific condition. You may hear your provider say they have found a spot in the heart, kidneys, or brain that could be a “marker” for a genetic syndrome. This just means that these spots are common in specific syndromes. It does not mean your child has that diagnosis. Depending on the full results of the ultrasound, your doctor may refer you for further, more specific testing if there is a concern, but oftentimes they will recommend coming back in a couple of weeks to see if any issue spotted has resolved on its own. It can be really nerve-wracking to get these results, but know that you aren’t alone, and don’t be afraid to ask your provider questions!

Another thing you may start to notice in the fifth month of pregnancy is major body changes! You will be consistently feeling your little wiggle worm move around inside. Your bump will “pop” if it hasn’t already, which can bring a lot of discomfort to your ribs, lower back, and pelvis. You may notice getting comfortable at night to sleep is also becoming increasingly difficult. Using pillows can help to stabilize your joints while you sleep. You will start to hear other pregnant friends start to recommend a pregnancy pillow, which is actually covered by some Tricare plans! If you aren’t sure if you qualify for a pregnancy pillow, reach out to your local Military Mommies Area Partner so we can verify your Tricare coverage and get you all of the items you qualify for to help you be more comfortable during the changes of pregnancy!

The fifth month comes with a lot of new experiences and excitement! Be sure to enjoy each moment as it will fly by! Sleep as much as you can, and be sure to start looking into what items you are eligible to receive during your pregnancy! As always, if you aren’t sure where to start, Military Mommies is here to help!

You can contact Brittany at
Instagram: brittanysandovalrn